(079) - 4840 5996 [email protected]
The general definition of an audit is a planned and documented activity performed by qualified personnel to determine by investigation, examination, or evaluation of objective evidence, the adequacy and compliance with established procedures, or applicable documents, and the effectiveness of implementation. The term may refer to audits in accounting, internal controls, quality management, project management, water management, and energy conservation.

Auditing is defined as a systematic and independent examination of data, statements, records, operations and performances (financial or otherwise) of an enterprise for a stated purpose. In any auditing the auditor perceives and recognizes the propositions before him for examination, collects evidence, evaluates the same and on this basis formulates his judgment which is communicated through his audit report. The purpose is then to give an opinion on the adequacy of controls (financial and otherwise) within an environment they audit, to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.

Audit approach of the firm is to concentrate efforts on controls and key risk areas enabling to provide a straightforward, cost effective audit.

  • Statutory Audit prescribed under various laws
  • Tax Audit prescribed under the Income Tax Act
  • Internal Audit of Corporate and non-corporate entities
  • Limited Reviews
  • Accounting Due Diligence Review

We also provide accounting and bookkeeping services.